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Tring Interclub Intimate LandScapes Competition
Our 2023 Judges

Judging the Competition


For this competition we use two judges - so as to enrich the feedback and receive different points of view.

The judges will pre score the images, firstly on their own and then together at a meeting facilitated by Peter Cox shortly before the competition presentation.

We are very grateful for the significant contribution from our judges.

We asked the judges for a short paragraph describing their personal thoughts on photography:

Maria Leekblade

Maria has lived and worked in the New Forest for over 20 years and her love of photography started with her animals. She developed her skills as an adult learner at Brockenhurst college and by being an active member of Lymington, Winchester & Southampton Camera Clubs.


She gained her LRPS in 2016, her AFIAP in 2017 and her DPAGB in 2018 and is currently working towards her ARPS.


She was on the committee of Southampton International Exhibition for 8 years, is a Mentor for the PAGB to help people to get their CPAGB distinction and also an SCPF Judge who judges competitions both locally and nationally, as well as leading a few ‘hands on’ practical courses. 


However, Maria’s heart lies at home - her animals are always a firm favourite and the landscape, people, flora & fauna of the New Forest will always be her first love.

Being able to capture them remains the motivation and pleasure for picking up the camera.

Kevin Day

I am a professional family/event photographer. 'Ecclectic' is a description that has been applied to my personal portfolio which I take as a compliment. Even though I photograph people all the time, my love of other subject matter has never diminished, and I am just as happy taking a photograph of a building as much as I enjoy a panoramic landscape a small detail or some urban decay.

Intimate Landscapes is a genre I was made aware of relatively recently and it was only when I started to explore the genre that I realised I had been creating this sort of image for many years. For me it is about observing the landscape around me and capturing relatively small details that condense what is all around into a delightful manageable scale. So often the enormity of a scene is too overpowering to both compose and capture, or the light that is always so very important isn’t all you really wish it could be. These are the times when observing details within the scene can often distill the essence of the scene to an image that captures the mood or spirit.


 This competition is an ideal preparation for making entires to both the Landscape Photographer of the Year (LPOTY) and the Close Up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY) competition and CACC Championship day

Remember that winning these kind of competitions requires images that are outstanding, impactful and technically perfect!

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